koh chang - a story in pictures
what are you doin? i'm kayakin. (or as its called in thailand, tri-akin.)
ohhh, a deserted island!
four layers of sunscreen = not enough! it's rough being albino.
(see previous grand palace post for albino explanation.)
seriously though, after this point in the trip my lower extremities - no joke - remained swollen from the sunburn to between two and three times their normal size. it lasted for over a week until after receiving advice from my friend katherine's husband (who is a doctor), i got it checked out in a hospital in bangkok. which, p.s., if you ever get sick, try to do so in bangkok. that hospital was insane! crazy lounge/reception areas, efficiency like none other, and they put your medicine in a goody bag! anyhow the next day back in mae sot, i remained as horizontal as possible and peed with incredible frequency from the diuretic i was prescribed. i'm happy to report that all my limbs are now back to their usual state.
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