five things


assignment: tell me five things you would do if the world were to end in two days. the sky's the limit, and it can be anything at all that you want.

*pause to explain to one student that i am not serious and the world is not in fact ending*

there's a student in my class who is a former buddhist nun. this was her response:

1. i want to fly without wind and without pain.

2. i'll be kill u than shwe for freedom of all human in burma and to influence the right judicial system.

3. i'll allow all people in the wold to do as they like. if they make the bad, they'll be reach to the hell. if they make the good things, they'll be reach to the heaven happily. so, they get a choice for conclusion of life.

4. i want to destroy the hate between all human.

5. i pass the conclusion of my life with my friends and family by praying my buddha believefully to meet in the next life. i believe buddha speak that if i do the good, i must feel the good result.


no one belongs here more than you

"what a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful for something real."

(miranda july)

dream a little dream

"a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

(oscar wilde)

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