koh chang - a story in pictures


what are you doin? i'm kayakin. (or as its called in thailand, tri-akin.)

ohhh, a deserted island!

four layers of sunscreen = not enough! it's rough being albino.

(see previous grand palace post for albino explanation.)

seriously though, after this point in the trip my lower extremities - no joke - remained swollen from the sunburn to between two and three times their normal size. it lasted for over a week until after receiving advice from my friend katherine's husband (who is a doctor), i got it checked out in a hospital in bangkok. which, p.s., if you ever get sick, try to do so in bangkok. that hospital was insane! crazy lounge/reception areas, efficiency like none other, and they put your medicine in a goody bag! anyhow the next day back in mae sot, i remained as horizontal as possible and peed with incredible frequency from the diuretic i was prescribed. i'm happy to report that all my limbs are now back to their usual state.


no one belongs here more than you

"what a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful for something real."

(miranda july)

dream a little dream

"a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

(oscar wilde)

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