this is funny:


how to build an h-bomb

"Making and owning an H-bomb is the kind of challenge
real Americans seek. Who wants to be a passive victim
of nuclear war when, with a little effort, you can be
an active participant? Bomb shelters are for losers.
Who wants to huddle together underground eating canned
Spam? Winners want to push the button themselves.
Making your own H-bomb is a big step in nuclear
assertiveness training -- it's called Taking Charge.
We're sure you'll enjoy the risks and the heady thrill
of playing nuclear chicken."

the best part is this:

"First transform the gas into a liquid by subjecting it
to pressure. You can use a bicycle pump for this. Then
make a simple home centrifuge. Fill a standard-size
bucket one-quarter full of liquid uranium hexafluoride.
Attach a six-foot rope to the bucket handle. Now swing
the rope (and attached bucket) around your head as fast
as possible. Keep this up for about 45 minutes. Slow
down gradually, and very gently put the bucket on the
floor. The U-235, which is lighter, will have risen to
the top, where it can be skimmed off like cream. Repeat
this step until you have the required 10 pounds of
uranium. (Safety note: Don't put all your enriched
uranium hexafluoride in one bucket. Use at least two or
three buckets and keep them in separate corners of the
room. This will prevent the premature build-up of a
critical mass.)"

this, not so funny:

my unwitting role in acts of terror

"Our 1979 satire was not subtle. Yet Mohamed's life was destroyed, it seems, for having read it."


no one belongs here more than you

"what a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful for something real."

(miranda july)

dream a little dream

"a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

(oscar wilde)

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