

tonight i ate real cheese atop pasta cooked by real italians.

eh da sar kaun ket dae! (that's burmese for it was delicious. i think. i'm still working out the past tense.)

there were lots of really lovely people there from around the world and inside burma including one of the top-ranking knu general's sons. unfortunately for me, i got to sit next to his less than charming driver who in addition to hitting on me the entire night, made a plethora of racist anti-burmese remarks and kept telling me that he shot at and killed the spdc when i asked him if he spoke burmese (almost all the karen people here speaks burmese, i think him included). miming was involved.


was it worth it for the cheese? hells yes.


no one belongs here more than you

"what a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful for something real."

(miranda july)

dream a little dream

"a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

(oscar wilde)

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