busy sunday


guess who was woken up this lovely sunday morning at 7:30am by her absentee data friend who, on the day data analysis finally came due, was magically "free"? oh, it was me. lucky for him, he's really adorable and sweet so i couldn't be angry.

recently every time i've gone to the office, he's been at "the playground." mae tao clinic's 20th anniversary is this thursday and there's going to be a large party and a sports tournament. past year's trophies line the backpack office, so i guess it's serious business for them. i'm in favor of any form of stress relief they can get, just maybe not when we have meetings to finish program analysis before the field medics disappear back inside burma for another six months. again refer to adorable comment.

he's really shy to speak english and we've developed an entire system of nonverbal communication involving nondescript noises and hand gestures. it must look ridiculous. the phone conversation this morning was really strange since it underminded the framework our entire system of interaction is based on.

must to learn burmese now, jenn.

now, if only my lesson for tomorrow would magically plan itself...


no one belongs here more than you

"what a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful for something real."

(miranda july)

dream a little dream

"a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

(oscar wilde)

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